Friday, September 12, 2008

Welcome to Politics

Hmmm... Welcome, I was forced to make this blog for a high school class... so I am gonna start my Blog by saying this....(noise of person clearing throat) I want Barrack Obama as the President of The United States!
Why I like Him:

1. He practices waht he preaches, He was one of the only politicians to oppose the war in Iraq and actully do something about it, He set up a Protest in chigago 24 hours prior to the Iraq invasion. Sure that didnt stop some Ignorant selfish president from sending our boys to Iraq to get shot up and then lie to the american public aboput the number of deaths in Iraq.

2. My guess is that when Barak Obama gets in an conflict with another person his first tactic with solving the issue is probably diplomacy, not punching the person in the gut as George bush did in Iraq and people who went along with Bush's scheme for oil money. Foreign policy should be like the morals you teach our children, Like for example fighting to get what you want is not nice, and solve conflicts by talking and not hitting, Hmm maybe someone in the foreign affairs department should be a child education major.

3. He doesnt scare me as much as Sarah Palin, I mean c'mon hasent anybody learned that going to war with russia is a bad Idea, lets look at a couple examples

-The Battle Of Stalingrad Winter of 1942-1943
Germany invades Russia and try's to cut off the oil supply line from the Caucasus region of the USSR. But this plan completely backfires as Hitler forces his troops to fight in the city as the Russian winter progresses. Meanwhile in january the Soviet Army performs a pincer movement on the German army and surrounds the city of Stalingrad. The germans can no longer supply their troops because the supply packages that the German transport planes dropped landed off target in Soviet controlled territory.The Soviets then push forward and on January 31st, 1943 the German 6th Army surrenders. 91,000 young men surrendered only 5,000 would ever live to see home again. 

-Napoleon's Invasion of Russia
I don't know much about the specifics about this but I know Napoleon's troops froze, starved and retreated, and Napoleon never regained his powerful army and he was sent into exile.

-Russia has nuclear weapons!!! I don't want to have a nuclear war

- Sarah Palin is the governor of a state that is isolated from the united States, She only been govener for 2 years!!! Now she wants to be Vice President, what? thats like telling the leader of Mexico to be Vice president and possibly president because the chances of John Mcain dyeing of old age in office are pretty good. 

Anyways back to Obama

4. He is a great speaker, I get a sense of pride when I hear him talk, and he stand his ground against Bill O'reilly. Anybody who can stand his ground against that asshole definatly earns alot of brownie points in my opinion.


1.  I dont like his Idea for the Iraq war. I think we should get out immedetly, so we put our tax dollars into something a little more useful like healthcare or alternative energy programs.

Thats really all I have to say for now have a good day!

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